Recently profiled in "Fast Company," Robyn Waters brings over 25 years of experience tracking and translating trends into sales and profits, primarily during her years as Vice President for Target. She recently published a book entitled "The Trendmaster’s Guide From A to Z," a practical and fun handbook designed to simplify and demystify the art of trend tracking.
In a recent interview with "The Creative Group," Waters stated, "I have a very nonlinear, nonscientific approach to tracking trends. My book, The Trendmaster’s Guide from A to Z, is a simple, visual handbook that demystifies the art of trend tracking. Most tracking is really just common sense. For instance, A is for Antennae. That’s about awareness, opening your eyes, taking off your blinders and being open to what is really happening in the world around you. I like to quote Yogi Berra, who said, ‘You can observe a lot, just by watching.’ Trends are really just signposts and indicators pointing the way to what’s important in the lives, hearts and minds of consumers. If you look for the meaning behind the indicators, you’ll get to a much better place. I’m very different from a ‘coolhunter’ in that I’m not looking for ‘the next big thing.’ I believe there are many ‘next big things’ and that it’s more important to try and find out what’s important, not just what’s next." The full interview can be found at:
Waters will be a keynote speaker at "Unblocking Innovation," the 11th annual Convergence of people, ideas and great practices related to innovation to be held in Minneapolis, September 21-23, where she will help people develop their own strategy for becoming their own trendmaster.
Throughout the retail world Waters has been described as an "Ambassador of Trend", a "Champion of Design," a "Builder of Brands," a "Purveyor of Passion," and a "Cheerleader of Possibilities." Previously, Robyn headed up Trend, Design and Product Development for the $48 billion upscale discount store Target. Under her direction as Vice President, the trend and design team traveled the world tracking and translating trends into unique product designs that enhanced Target’s upscale brand image of "Expect More, Pay Less." One of Robyn’s core beliefs is that good taste and great design don’t have to be expensive.
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